Page 30 - sameem-111217
P. 30
اپورا رد ناغفا نانادقوقح نمجنا ی اهما پ ی
including DAISH and Taliban as the most villainous murderers of the man, who strive to shove
back Afghanistan to the Stone Age.
The crimes committed in Kunduz fall in the category of war crimes and crimes against
humanity, which can be summed up as following:
- Slaughter of innocent civilians, political assassinations, killing of prisoners, violating
the honor of people, plundering the public property, and destruction of public and
private buildings.
- Toppling the government administration with the help of the internal conspiracies,
facilitating the jailbreak of more than 700 prisoners, including Taliban terrorists and
other dangerous criminals, employing the irresponsible gunmen, militia and Arbaki
fighters and prison escapees and fugitives to commit those crimes.
- Bombardment of the hospital of the Doctors without Borders against all the
accepted principles of the international law was still another unfortunate incident
that has added to the grievances of the already mournful people of ours.
All the afore mentioned crimes can be described and categorized as war crimes and crimes
against humanity in accordance with international law and principles.
These crimes have been elucidated by the four Geneva Contentions (12 August 1949),
according to which:
“War crimes include grave breaches of human rights in armed conflicts and crimes against
humanity, torture or inhuman treatment, massacre, political assassinations and willfully
causing serious injury to the body or morality of human beings.”